Sunday, December 31, 2006

$1.9 Million Hockey Stick

Wooooe Baby!!!!!!!!!! $1,900,000 for a wooden hockey stick! That's like $2.2 million Canadian or something like that.

So the old thing is 150 to 160 years old. That means that some of my old wooden sticks (or the pieces that are left over) that are around 30 years old must be worth ....... let me get the math right ...... a bit over $300,000 each. Yipes! I'm in the money.... I'm in the money!!

So I'm hearing that its hand carved from a piece of hickory. Well I think all of my old sticks are probably ash but what the heck. Ebay here I come! Easton watch out with your flimsy little hollow shafts. Wood is back and I'm walking with wood again.

A carved stick huh? Well most of mine had had a little carving done to them too. A skate blade here a skate blade there. "Ah ref I didn't hook him." Sheeeit - mine might have done a fair share of carving up themselves. I wasn't known for carrying my stick too low you know.

Historically the black rubber hockey puck wasn't invented until much later. Maybe someone's going to find some ancient piece of frozen horse pucky at the bottom of their freezer and send it to the hockey hall of fame too. I'm sure I don't have anything that old hangin around but I'm going to start asking the guys. Maybe they know somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody ...... Wouldn't that be something - sending a chunk of horse douver to the museum. I'd want to be discreet about it though; wouldn't want everybody to know it was me, Jasper Wheats. Couldn't really handle the popourazzi being an old fart and all now. But give me the money, baby!

Yeah - I'm still walking with wood and you should be too.

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